2017年3月22日 星期三

多謝參與綠步郊野2017 Thank you for joining Charity Hike 2017

環保觸覺一年一度的慈善步行籌款「綠步郊野2017」在春雨綿綿的3月19日終於圓滿結束,共有超過 300名參加者及義工參與。全賴各方鼎力支持,活動才得以順利完成。



重溫活動當日精彩花絮: https://flic.kr/s/aHskWkZYhQ

20170319 綠步郊野2017

Green Sense Charity Hike 2017 finished successfully on 19th March the rainy Sunday. More than 300 participants and volunteers joined this activity. Thanks to the full support of every party, the event was able to successfully completed.

We would like to express our gratitude to every company teams, individual participants and all the volunteers who stayed at their position under the rain till last minute. The event could conclude successfully all because of your participation and co-operation.

We hope everyone enjoyed this journey and gained the green messages at the check points. We also hope that everyone acts green from now on to protect our precious nature. Green Sense will continue to point out the non-environmental friendly practice in society through research and monitoring, in order to enhance the environmental consciousness by education and publicity.

Event highlights of the day: https://flic.kr/s/aHskWkZYhQ

2017年3月16日 星期四

星期日,魔鬼山見! See you at the Devil's Peak this Sunday!


時間:上午9時半 (完結時間約為下午1時半)
當日大會聯絡電話:8100 4877

(按上圖可開啟路線地圖 Please click the photo to open google map)



網上TrailWatch 教學:


Green Sense Charity Hike 2017 - Devil's Peak Adventure is coming this Sunday, the details are in the following:

Date: 19th March 2017
Time: 09:30 (End around 13:30)
Assembly Point: Lam Tin Park (near Tak Lai House, Tak Tin Estate / Pik Wan Road)
Dress Code: Casual, Sporty with hiking gears
Please prepare enough water, beverage, snacks, sun blocks and/or rain gears
Contact number on the event day: 8100 4877

Registration counter is open at 09:15, participants may collect donation receipt, towel, natural insect repellent and other souvenirs. Bring your own bottle and utensils are suggested. There is no refreshment counter or trash bin on the trail. Please beware and take away all the belongings including the litter. Littering is prohibited.

To track the event, you are suggested to download mobile app "TrailWatch" and "Bookmark" the event route:

Online TrailWatch tutorial:

Other event memo:

2017年2月15日 星期三

徑 ‧ 香港應用程式您用過嗎? Have you tried the Trailwatch App?

徑 ‧ 香港已是第三年成為環保觸覺【綠步郊野】的綠色伙伴,以樂在山林,保護郊野為首要目標,透過智能電話應用程式,大家可以在參與【綠步郊野】的同時,分享郊野所見所聞,讓更多人愛護香港的綠色瑰寶。

TrailWatch is Green Sense Charity Hike Green Partner for three years in a row, aiming at "Enjoy, Share, Protect" the nature. By using Trailwatch app, you may enjoy the Charity Hike, share what you experience in the trail, and protect our green treasure together. 

2017年1月19日 星期四







2016年12月8日 星期四

環保觸覺-綠步郊野2017 Green Sense Charity Hike 2017




衛奕信徑第三段經過炮台山(又稱魔鬼山 Devil’s Peak),可參觀獲評為二級歷史建築之魔鬼山軍事遺跡。登高後右方可遠眺將軍澳釣魚翁、東龍島一帶,左側更可飽覽香港島東區及九龍半島的開揚美景,實在賞心悅目。


Green Sense established in 2004 and registered as a tax charitable exempted institution in 2010. We aim to point out the non-environmentally friendly practice in society through research and monitoring. We enhance the environmental consciousness by education and publicity, in order to ultimately achieve an environmentally friendly society, for the sake of our next generation.

In a dozen years, Green Sense opined over a hundred issues in urban planning, energy saving & reduction of carbon emission, waste recycling, protection of wildlife & ecosystem, reducing the use of disposable utensils, cessation of air conditioning abuse etc. We also monitor governmental and corporate operations and provide suggestions to improve their environmental performance. In environmental education, we promote among schools so as to nurture the youth for contributing a greener society in the future.

Green Sense Charity Hike 2017 is our annual fund-raising event, aiming in arousing public environmental awareness. Participants would enjoy the beautiful scenery in the countryside and spend a weekend joyfully, while comprehending the unique environment in Hong Kong. We select the adventure route to “Devil's Peak", in Lei Yue Mun, Kowloon. It is part of the popular “Wilson Trail” Section 3. The full view of Clearwater Bay Peninsula and Victoria Harbour comes into sight after reaching the hilltop. "Devil's Peak" is one of the Grade II historic buildings in Hong Kong. The battery and redoubt are perfectly matched with the spectacular vision. 

The countryside provides leisure and recreational area as well as the buffer between Country Parks and urban build-up. The natural environment is closely connected to human and the ecosystem and habitats should be conserved. After introducing the practice of “Take your litter home” and other green tips while hiking, participants would learn more about how and why to protect our for the sake of the future generation, both locally and globally.