2017年3月22日 星期三

多謝參與綠步郊野2017 Thank you for joining Charity Hike 2017

環保觸覺一年一度的慈善步行籌款「綠步郊野2017」在春雨綿綿的3月19日終於圓滿結束,共有超過 300名參加者及義工參與。全賴各方鼎力支持,活動才得以順利完成。



重溫活動當日精彩花絮: https://flic.kr/s/aHskWkZYhQ

20170319 綠步郊野2017

Green Sense Charity Hike 2017 finished successfully on 19th March the rainy Sunday. More than 300 participants and volunteers joined this activity. Thanks to the full support of every party, the event was able to successfully completed.

We would like to express our gratitude to every company teams, individual participants and all the volunteers who stayed at their position under the rain till last minute. The event could conclude successfully all because of your participation and co-operation.

We hope everyone enjoyed this journey and gained the green messages at the check points. We also hope that everyone acts green from now on to protect our precious nature. Green Sense will continue to point out the non-environmental friendly practice in society through research and monitoring, in order to enhance the environmental consciousness by education and publicity.

Event highlights of the day: https://flic.kr/s/aHskWkZYhQ